Why The Buddha was WRONG about Life Today
At the risk of offending millions of people around the world simply because of the headline of this post, I think I should start off with a disclaimer.

How to Be Happy – Top 10 Online Resources
We did a quick search online for resources on ‘how to be happy’ and found the following list. We hope you will find it useful as we have.

Top 5 Best Analytics Apps
If you are like me always wanting to know how things are going on your website; how many visitors (unique and repeat), where in the world are they from, how long did they stay and how many pages did they open, then you need one of the following apps.

This Worthy Life
This Worthy Life To think only thoughts that bring you joy, To speak only words that lift your spirits, To act only upon the inspirations that define the you of your dreams This is what it is, to be the you that you deserve to be.
Finding The Perfectly Imperfect You
As I shared the details of a recent conversation with an acquaintance, on my Facebook page recently and was both pleased and surprised and the attention it garnered. On hindsight however, I wondered, why is it that we, with all of our intelligence and knowledge, us of the highest order of development, fail to realise […]

Start Now – Step 0: Starting Your Online Business
We jumped to Step 1 and Step 2 in our previous articles, assuming that you already have a product or service and are already running a business. But here’s the thing, we thought it might be useful to share what typically happens before Step 1 and Step 2.
A Little Reminder
Haven’t you realised that the beauty that you see in each flower petal the awe you feel watching the sun rise and set over the horizon…
2 Ways of Dealing with Negative People
There is a saying that there may be only two reasons, that we encounter the people that we do in our lives: to love or to learn.

How to Choose the Best Affiliate Programme
Some of the key considerations in choosing the best affiliate programme when starting off as an affiliate marketer have to be the market demands and your interest or passion.

5 Steps to Choosing the Right Product to Sell
So you have decided to give Affiliate Marketing a go. The tendency here is to sign up to whatever you can get your hands on but the first rule is always to find a product that fits your audience. If you haven’t got an audience then find a product for a hungry market and try […]
And this is how the Universe replied
In desperation and depression I begged, “Please! Dear Universe, we need your help. We’re down to our last pennies And we need something to change”. As my mind silenced and my heart eased, This is how the Universe replied. Know that everything, every single thing is always working out for you Everything that you are […]
The Essence of Us
What if today, and everyday, we looked at everyone, all the people around us, all the people we come in contact with, and saw Beyond the colour of their skin Beyond the style of the hair Or the clothes that they may wear